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An obstetrician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Audra Meadows, MD, MPH spends much of her time advising women on how to optimize their health before, during, and after pregnancy to prevent low birth weight and other problems. Here are 12 tips from Dr. Meadows to help you ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

#1 - Eat right   

Eating a healthy diet is especially important for pregnant women. Your baby needs healthy food, not sugar and fat. Eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich foods, and foods low in saturated fat.

#2 - Get your vitamins

Make sure to get plenty of folic acid and calcium. You can get these and other necessary vitamins and minerals from food and a standard multivitamin. Spinach, oranges, broccoli, and kidney beans are rich in folic acid. Milk, yogurt, and spinach are packed with calcium. A daily prenatal multivitamin, however, can help ensure you get the right amount. Ask your doctor about taking a daily prenatal vitamin.

#3 - Stay hydrated

A pregnant woman’s body needs more water than normal. Aim for eight or more cups each day.

#4 - Proper prenatal care

Women should get regular prenatal care from a healthcare professional. Mothers who don’t get regular prenatal care are much more likely to have a child with low birth weight. If available, consider group prenatal care.

#5 - Avoid certain foods

There are certain foods that women should avoid eating while pregnant. Do not eat: raw or rare meats, liver, sushi, raw eggs (also in mayonnaise), soft cheeses (feta, brie), and unpasteurized milk. Raw and unpasteurized animal products can cause food poisoning. Some fish, even when cooked, can be high in mercury.


#1 Baby calms at your touch and the sound of your voice

What it proves: You"ve got a good relationship

Newborns cry. A lot. And no, just talking to your baby will probably not turn off the tears. Your voice was the soundtrack to her time in the womb, though, so it should be something that generally draws her attention.

"A baby is used to being in close quarters, and your voice was a big part of that experience," says Jennifer Shu, M.D., pediatrician and coauthor of Heading Home With Your Newborn. "After they"re born, hearing your voice, being wrapped and carried, and feeling your body heat all mimic that peaceful time."

When your child is calmed by your presence, that"s her first step in bonding with you and a clear sign that she"s developing emotionally.


#2 You"re changing 8-10 wet diapers a day and she"s gaining weight

What it proves: She"s getting enough milk even if how much he drinks changesIf you"re nursing, how can you be sure your baby is drinking enough breast milk? The proof is in the wet diapers.

"My baby was born five weeks before her due date and weighed only 5 pounds," says Sara Porth, of South Deerfield, Massachusetts. "I was always worried about her weigh-ins. I didn"t relax about her eating until she started making significant gains about ten days after birth."

It"s important to keep your well-baby visits so the pediatrician can assess whether your baby is growing. In between trips to the doctor, wet diapers are the best sign he"s drinking well. Trust these indicators rather than obsessing over how much he consumes at each meal. Babies don"t eat the same amount every day, or even every feeding. "There are growth spurts and slowdowns," Dr. Shu says. The important thing is that weight increases over time.


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